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The Churchill Guest House is a beautiful, family run, grade II listed Georgian period townhouse offering quality bed & breakfast accommodation to the discerning traveller.

Situated in the historic conservation area just at the foot of the renowned Dover Castle and minutes walk away from the town center the Churchill House is the perfect place to rest your weary legs and relax after a long days walk.

The rooms are spacious and immaculately clean, the beds dressed in crisp white linens and quality tested to make sure you will have the best nights sleep possible. All rooms have en-suite facilities with hot, powerful showers, and we supply soft fluffy towels for your pleasure and comfort. A guests kitchen is available for self-catering bookings if desired, and a reading room with comfortable seating allows our guests to sit back with a cup of tea and read up on the considerable history of the local area.

Our guests have round the clock access to self-catering kitchen facilities, and a self-serve continental breakfast is provided as well.

The hosts Alastair, Betty and Alex look forward to hearing from you offer our warmest hospitality.

Accommodation details

Bed and breakfast, Hotel, Self-catering
Alexander Dimech
Churchill House, 6 Castle Hill Road, Dover, Kent, England, CT16 1QN, United Kingdom
7 en-suite rooms. – £60 - £165.00


Adapted toilets
Bike wash facility
Dogs welcome
En suite facilities
Evening meals available
Horse box parking
Accommodation Offering Stabling or Grazing
Laundry facilities
Luggage transport service
Packed lunches provided
Pick up service
Wheelchair access
Wifi available