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We are a new and small glamping site with shepherd huts, camping pods and camping pitches for walkers.
We are set at the foot of the North York Moors only a short walk from Clay Bank, hence our name, Clay Bank Huts.
The location is quiet and tranquil so you can enjoy a relaxing stay with breathtaking views.
There is everything you need to enjoy a great stay, whether you are camping in a tent or staying in a shepherds hut.
We can offer continental breakfasts, pack lunches, take away delivers to your accommodation and we have a small tuck shop on site.
We provide quality accommodation and the ideal location to stay for the Lyke Wake Walk, Coast to Coast, Cleveland Way and many other routes.
From 2025 we will also be offering a pick up and drop off service from Clay Bank top. We are also on the route for luggage drop off/pickup.