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The Close is a historic Town House set in the middle of Minchinhampton, an ancient Market Town surrounded by 600 acres of National Trust land, within the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The Close is about 5 miles from the Cotswold Way at Selsley Common and 9 miles from the start of the Thames Path.
The Close offers luxurious and comfortable B&B accommodation, where you can relax in style after a hard day's walking. There are four cafes/restaurants within a few yards of the house, and several dining pubs within a short drive or a pleasant walk across the common or via public footpaths.
Hanging and drying space for muddy boots and walking jackets.
Pick up service (radius 5 miles approx) for small additional charge (fuel cost only).
Dogs can also be accommodated, by arrangement.
A separate horse stabling business exists nearby.
Secure cycle storage available from July 2014.