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We pride ourselves on being a down-to-earth family friendly pub with excellent food and drink.
The bar area, with its separate pool table area, comfy sofa area and wood-burning fire, is the perfect place to unwind after a busy and fun filled day. The Clothiers Arms offers a beautiful beer garden with views across Gloucestershire, a kids adventure playground and ample free parking.
Our restaurant is a relaxed and friendly place to have lunch or an evening meal. We serve traditional English pub food, high quality but at reasonable prices. You're welcome to eat either in the bar, in the restaurant or in the large garden outside.
We are also a friendly B&B with cosy rooms, and we offer the standards and cleanliness that we have all come to expect when staying away from home. All of our rooms have a television, and tea/coffee making facilities. They are all en-suite, except for one room (Griffins) which has a private bathroom just across the hall.
With traditional breakfast served in the restaurant you’ll be set up for the day. Breakfast is served in the restaurant 7.30-8.30am Monday-Friday, and 8.30-9.30am on weekends.