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Welcome to the Coach House Bed and Breakfast. This charming family run bed and breakfast is situated within the beautiful Northumberland village of Bardon Mill, just a stone's throw from historic Hadrian's Wall. A superb base for all visitors to the beautiful North East of England.
We have the pleasure of offering you privacy and independence in your own self-contained en-suite bedroom in our recently converted Coach House, which stands in our large garden next to Chainley Burn. The burn, which is popular with the local duck population as a good nesting area, has its source near Hadrians Wall from where it then tumbles down through the valley past the Coach House to the River Tyne.
We have two spacious well equipped rooms, both decorated in their own unique style. Each one providing you with a comfortable and relaxing environment in which to unwind and let the activities of the day drift away allowing you to experience a peacefully nights retreat.
The privacy that you have in your beautiful en-suite bedroom is complemented by the cosy family atmosphere that you will experience in the morning when we serve you a home cooked breakfast in the comfort of our dining room in the main house. Here you can sit and leisurely welcome the morning whilst planning your day ahead. “Your cottage in the country without the cooking” let us make your life easier, and your holiday more enjoyable.
We are ideally located for your visits to Hadrians Wall. The Coach House is situated just off the A69 mid way between Carlisle and Newcastle, and the beautiful village is on a regular bus route and has it’s own railway station which makes us easily accessible for travellers arriving by car, on foot or bike, by train or bus. With Hexham, Keilder, the Borders and Tyne Valley on our doorstep you’ll be spoilt for choice for places to visit and see.
“Wonderful hospitality, provided by your hosts Carole and Fred , in beautiful surroundings, are here for you to discover. Go on, spoil yourself, you deserve to have the best.”