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*Camping in field (at discretion of manager)
BEST WESTERN The Compass Inn is a medium sized, family run, hotel set in the beautiful South Cotswolds. An 18th century coaching inn with modern accommodation set in 6 acres of beautifully kept grounds and gardens.
The Orangery Restaurant, under Head chef Hugo de Bonneval, has a reputation for using the very best of local produce and seasonal game, as well as a fine wine list. Both menus are served in the Orangery, Vittles, Bar and Lounge areas throughout the day.
Relax in the comfort of one of our 26 en suite bedrooms which have been carefully designed for both business and pleasure, with digital television, telephone, tea & coffee making facilities and a mini-bar/fridge in every room to help make your stay more comfortable.
All rooms come with:
- Ensuite bathroom
- Wired high speed internet connection
- Digital LCD television
- Direct Dial telephone
- In Room Mini Bar/fridge
- Tea & coffee making facilities.
- Superior rooms feature a greater level of comfort.
Some areas 'No Smoking' restriction.