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Copper Beeches is a Family Accomodation provider with two B & B en suite rooms and two self catering Cottages. Torberry Farm is no longer a working farm and our accommodation is a converted Barn and converted outbuildings. We are situated on the B2146 1 mile from South Harting and 3 miles from Petersfield and a short walk from the South Downs Way Trail. We are situated on the West Sussex / Hampshire Border. We can offer a lift to South Harting for an evening meal if required also a packed lunch for the following day for a small fee. We pride ourselves on being 'green' when and where possible, our breakfast ingredients are locally sourced - including sausages and bacon from our own pigs. Chicken or Duck eggs (when available) from our smal flock, which you are able to watch from the breakfast table, home made jams and bread. A warm welcome awaits everyone from Janet and Ian and our Weimaraner dog 'Oscar'.