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A contemporary, luxury B&B, built entirely by the owners, with views across the ancient Illogan woods. The Copper House is situated in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, close to the beach and central to everything you might want to visit in Cornwall. There are two en-suite bedrooms, - one with a deep bath to soothe those aching limbs and the other with a shower. Our beds are large, super comfortable with feather pillows and duvets (superking or king) and the rooms are absolutely quiet at night. Your breakfast (organic and locally sourced) is brought to your room, at a time you choose, so that you will feel truly indulged. This year, The Copper House was very proud to be awarded the highest rating (Platinum) by TripAdvisor for eco practices. Only 33 accommodations achieved this in the whole of the UK . We also received TripAdvisors Certificate of Excellence. Come and see us soon