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We are a family run B&B, just a two-minute walk from Pannett Park and five minutes to Whitby Town Centre and 5 mins to the beach. We provide six en-suite guest rooms, two of which are for families.
Whether you are here for a quiet break, walking or a rail enthusiast, we are ideally located to meet your needs. We are located on the West Cliff of Whitby and just a short walk to the town centre and the beach yet still quiet in the evenings for a peaceful nights sleep.
We offer a full and varied breakfast menu, using locally sourced ingredients and can happily accommodate special dietary requirements (Please give 48 hours notice of dietary requirements). Simon is an excellent cook and your breakfast will be cooked to perfection. Check out our breakfast menu and allow someone else to cook for a change.
Thanks Michelle and Simon
Corra Lynn B&B Whitby