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Situated in a beautiful and secluded valley in the North York Moors National Park, this converted linen mill is perfect for those wishing to explore the North York Moors, Dales & Coast. The Mill is bookable as a whole, by room or by bed. All bedrooms are fully refurbished and are en suite. Great for educational groups, families, outdoor clubs and friends gatherings in a wonderful venue. Group activities available onsite. Fully catered or self-cater. Other facilities include licensed bar and lounge, TV/games room, pool table, free WiFi, large garden, bike store, meeting rooms, laundry & drying room. Additional self-catering annex, sleeps10. The stream and woodlands in the Mill grounds provide exploration areas or organised activities for children and groups. The Mill is adjacent to Cod Beck reservoir, Cleveland Way, Coast to Coast and at the start of Lyke Wake Walk. Popular mountain biking/cycling location. Osmotherley village has pubs, a tea room and shops.