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Simply beautiful holiday cottages in the glorious Yorkshire Dales.
You’ll love our properties, the interiors and location, and will be sad to leave! Each one comfortable, a home away from home, tastefully furnished, all spotlessly clean, well equipped and maintained. A lovely selection of cottages, houses, converted stables and apartments in some fantastic locations in the Yorkshire Dales and Nidderdale AONB.
Enjoy staying in a pretty dales village or really get away from the hustle and bustle of life for a more remote stay. Some perfect for a romantic stay, others large enough to spend time with friends and family, with many welcoming dogs too.
Easy to use website, with online booking facility, lots of photos, honest descriptions and ideas of what to do during your stay, including tried and tested walks throughout Wensleydale and Nidderdale and local bike hire.
Mother and daughter team, Nadine and Joanne, living locally, are Country Hideaways and we very much look forward to helping you find your perfect holiday in this wonderful part of the world.