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Court House Manor in Painswick is a gorgeous Grade 1 listed home available for Bed & Breakfast, events and exclusive hire. Refurbished by owner Linda Lloyd and opened as a Bed & Breakfast in 2013, the property has been restored to an exceptional standard, sympathetic to the past. Court House Manor is steeped in history, with previous guests including King Charles I during the 1643 Seige of Gloucester – it is said that his ghost haunts the four acres of landscaped gardens.
At Court House Manor, we offer our 14 rooms for Luxury Bed & Breakfast, as well as exclusive hire for events and family getaways. The house is divided into two parts, Court House, built in 1604, and Court Side, a Victorian addition to the Manor. The bedrooms are found throughout the Manor, each offering something a little different. Our guests are welcome to enjoy the Court House’s gardens and cosy communal areas, as well as take advantage of the excellent local area and all it has to offer. What are you waiting for? Book to stay with us today!