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HREE COTSWOLD COTTAGES Crafty Cottage, Number Five and Number Six Sheep Street are our three self catering cottages in the very heart of Chipping Campden. They stand side by side infront of the Old Silk Mill where the Arts and Crafts history of the town began. Crafty Cottage has 1 bedroom and accommodates 1 or 2 people, Number Five has 1 bedroom and accommodates 1 or 2 people, Number Six has 2 bedrooms (1 double, 1 king size or twin on request) and can accommodate up to four guests comfortably.
All the facillities of Chipping Campden are within a very easy walking distance. Crafty Cottage has a garden with seated area, Number Five has a rear courtyard with outdoor seating & is planted with box hedge & seasonal flowers, and Number Six has a small rear courtyard with seated area. Both cottages have wifi and off road parking.
Chipping Campden "either the beginning or the end" of The Cotswold Way!