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We often have enquiries for camping from people walking the Cotswold Way, and occasionally from those walking from Lands End to John O’Groats. All are welcome, subject to availability.
Nestled in Buckholt Wood on the north part of the site, there are three large fields easily able to cope with groups of thirty to seventy campers. These can be booked separately or together for larger groups or events. Each site is equipped with a cooking shelter and altar fire. A further site consists of four terraced spaces on the hillside which are suitable for smaller tents and are ideal for smaller expedition groups. There are a number of water taps situated close to the sites and the recently refurbished main toilet and shower block is close by. The campfire circle, chapel and a washing up shelter are also situated on this part of the site.
In Daniels Grove there is space for up to two more groups of about forty people. Here, set in grassy clearings close to the banks of the stream, there is a real feeling of being somewhere remote, while still having the convenience of running water and a small toilet and shower block close at hand. These sites are popular with smaller groups and those who want their participants to work in small teams. The area is also ideal for practicing survival skills, including shelter building.
Camping equipment can be hired on site. We now operate a minimum two day booking for Party tents, Patrol tents and Small Sleeping tents. This means that even you only require equipment for one day, you will be charged for two days.
Washing, Toilet and Shower facilities
Both the main site and the Grove have a toilet block with separate ladies, gents and disabled facilities. The toilet blocks have showers and hot running water, for which there is no extra charge. We encourage all groups to take responsibility for keeping the block clean.
Washing Up shelter
Situated between the main car park and the bottom field, there is a shelter which contains two large sinks which are ideal for washing up. The sinks have cold running water, and there is also a hot water boiler within the shelter. A small fridge and freezer are also situated here, but all of these facilities are for the use of all campers and day visitors on site.
On the main site there are water stand pipes situated on the top and bottom sites. In the Grove, there is also a tap on the exterior of the toilet block.
Altar fires and Wood
With the exception of campfire circle, all fires on site must be in altar fires. As a site we can provide these although there is a limited number. A small number of grates are available, although we would encourage you to bring your own whenever possible. Wood is available in Buckholt wood, which surrounds our main site, and in our own woodland in Daniel’s Grove. Only dead wood can be used for fires, and no living trees may be felled or damaged in any way.
Public WiFi is also available: Limited speed – Free. High speed – £2 for 48 hours.
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