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The Croft is a beautiful 4 Star bed and breakfast and is ideally set in an acre of secluded gardens,pond & waterfall overlooking picturesque Cockwood Harbour and the Exe estuary, approximately one mile from Starcross on the A379 Exeter - Dawlish road. Safe off road parking for cars, boats etc. Your own car parking space room allocated & CCTV Monitored, Nearest Guest House to the nature reserve at Dawlish Warren with 2 miles of sandy beaches, home to many resident and migrant birds. Ideally situated for touring moors or visiting attractions including nearby Powderham Castle, the historic home of the Earl of Devon. Regular buses every 15 mins from Harbourside to both Exeter & Torquay. Local train station Starcross 5 mins walk 2 mins drive.As seen on BBC TV ‘COAST’ Steam Train route.
NO Children or Babies
Adults & Pet Friendly Only