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This charming 14th-century posting house lies near the village of Old Sodbury, on the edge of the beautiful Cotswolds. The Cross Hands is a lovely, welcoming hotel; it blends old world charm with fresh, modern décor beautifully. In fact, in 1981, even Queen Elizabeth II took advantage of our renowned hospitality after being caught in a winter blizzard!
There are 21 bedrooms. The lovely mix of old and new décor really is fit for royalty!
This is a pet friendly hotel. There is limited availability on our rooms for pets and are offered on a first come, first served basis. All bookings with pets must be pre-booked - please contact the hotel directly or call 0345 608 6040 to check availability and to complete your booking.
All online bookings made online will also save 20% off food at our hotel restaurant during their entire stay. T&Cs apply.