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Here at the independent and family run Devonshire Park Hotel we excel in making our guests feel comfortable, and having successfully run the Hotel since 2001 and been awarded two TripAdvisor Certificates of Excellence, our knowledgeable and helpful staff should have the answer to any query or concern you might have.
Our boutique size means we can combine a Seaside Holiday with Sussex Country House Hotel luxury, the best personal service and a guaranteed peaceful and relaxing stay.
Your bedroom offers a contemporary feel throughout and is furnished with your comfort in mind. Our front rooms overlook the Birley Centre and the award winning Towner, whilst rear room have views over private Victorian Gardens and to the South Downs in the Distance.
Our Head Chef is known for invigorating taste buds and he creates a different Dinner Menu each day of the week from only the freshest of ingredients, sourced from our local suppliers that morning. Served in our spacious yet intimate four-room restaurant, our ample Breakfasts and expertly prepared Dinners are always guaranteed to be an enjoyable culinary experience.
Located in the heart of Eastbourne’s Cultural and Theatre District - opposite Devonshire Park, Towner and The Congress Theatre - The Devonshire Park Hotel is only a short walk from the Promenade, Shopping Centre and all local Tourist Attractions.
So whatever your pleasure you will find The Devonshire Park Hotel is the perfect location for a truly relaxing break on the beautiful East Sussex Coast.