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Dorset House B&B is a haven by the sea where care and nourishment flow freely. Our aim is to ensure that your precious down time is entirely relaxing and indulgent enabling you to reconnect your senses and re-energise.
Dorset House Lyme Regis is situated close to the town centre overlooking the glorious Jurassic coast. Lyn & Jason Martin, entranced by the delights of the area, left the corporate world to renovate the imposing Regency building. We created a contemporary boutique B&B with five individually designed rooms, most with sea views.
Our aim at Dorset House is to encourage relaxation and rejuvenation. From the welcoming Honesty Bar in the snug and the luxury bedding to the restful decor and thoughtful touches. Our informal breakfast is sourced locally and lovingly hand prepared using organic produce where possible.
The beaches of Lyme Regis are a short walk away for fossil hunting, sunbathing and water sports – as are the famed Dorset foodie delights. Mark Hix’s Oyster and Fish House is a couple of minutes walk away and River Cottage HQ is only a 10 minute drive. We are also within striking distance of the South West Coast Path.