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The Elsted Inn is a thriving community hub, a relaxed holiday venue, and an award winning restaurant - as well as a great family/dog/Morris Dancer friendly, real ale pub!
All ingredients are sourced as locally as possible, delivered daily, and quality approved by the Head Chef (she’s very picky!)
All rooms feature comfy mattresses, down pillows and duvets, en suites, luxury toiletries, and a complimentary freshly ground coffee and tea service. The downstairs rooms (1 twin and 1 double) are easy access, and are dog friendly. The two upstairs rooms (1 twin and 1 double) feature beautiful views of the South Downs. The team are pleased to accommodate requests wherever possible, such as: booking taxis, breakfast at flexible times, providing specific items (ironing board, lacto-free milk, packed lunches etc.) all to be requested at booking to avoid disappointment.