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Farm View House is new this year to the Bed and Breakfast market and offers peaceful and relaxing accommodation in the country near Painswick, Sheepscombe and Stroud. This exciting project is a work in progress and so particularly welcomes walkers and muddy boots! The house lies on the Wysis Way and is within half an hour's walk of some wonderful country pubs including the Woolpack at Slad, The Butcher's Arms in Sheepscombe and The Oak in Painswick. If you are coming without transport, we are very happy to pick you and your bags up from a local point or to take you locally for something to eat. The bedrooms have been tastefully reburbished and the lounge and terrace is at your disposal. Come and enjoy a complimentary glass of something whilst watching the sun set over the hill. A truly breathtaking experience!
Please look at the website for more information or ring on 01452 814677 or 07733 420962.
For more information regarding stabling and grazing for up to two horses, please contact us.