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The custom route elevation is created when you use the distance calculator to draw a line.

Please quote 'National Trail' when booking to qualify for a *free upgrade from a standard room, subject to availability. Prices start from £70.00 , do please visit our website for further information.
Farncombe Estate is perfectly place for a short stay or holiday in the north Cotswolds. Our 400 acre private country estate is surrounded by pretty market towns, great pubs and gorgeous gardens to visit, with the Cotswold Way running by our doorstep. Offered on the Estate
- 89 modern ensuite bedrooms with free Wifi
- Locally sourced and home made food served in the restaurant
- Stunning views over Broadway, the Vale of Evesham and beyond
- Fully equipped lounge bar
- Delicious Bar Snack menu
- Generous rates available from local firms offering luggage transport