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Fell View Cottage is situated in a designated area of outstanding beauty in the Allendale Valley of Northumberland, which was voted the most tranquil county in the UK.
The cottage has been rebuilt from a derelict barn using stone from the original building. The traditions of the Northumberland cottage have been incorporated to achieve a spacious, 3 bedroomed, detached cottage of the highest possible standard.
Located in an elevated position with wonderful unrestricted views of the Allendale valley below Fell View Cottage has many wonderful walks starting at your doorstep. Wildlife is everywhere from the pheasant, chaffinch, thrush, bullfinch, wren to the rare Golden plover and the black grouse, it is a haven for the nature lover.
Over the lane a stream leads down to the ford and footbridge of the River East Allen only a few hundred yards from the cottage.