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Fernleigh is situated in the stunning fishing village and old smugglers haunt of Robin Hoods Bay, steeped in history with its famous cobbled streets and alleyways. There is an abundance of wildlife along the coast including Grey Seals, sea birds and birds of prey. Robin Hoods Bay is famous for being at the end of the coast to coast walk and one of the pictuesque fishing villages walked through as part of the Cleveland Way. It is also on the doorstep to the delights of the North York Moors.
Fernleigh is an old Victorian Sea Captains house situated in Upper Robin Hoods Bay but just a 5 minute walk from the old cobbled streets of Lower Bay. We have 5 rooms all recently renovated to ensure that every room is not only well appointed but has a hint of luxury too.
All rooms are en-suite and complete with flat screen TV, free wifi, refreshments, the most comfortable beds to sink in to, rainforest showers, heated towel rails, beautiful toiletries and soft fluffy towels.
We serve a selection of locally sourced produce for breakfast including fruit, yoghurt, a selection of cereals and of course a full hearty Yorkshire breakfast and vegetarian option - accompanied by Yorkshire tea or Baytown Coffee which is roasted locally. If you have any other special requirements then let us know and we will do our best to accommodate.
We have a beautiful guest breakfast room which includes comfy chairs to relax in having enjoyed an evening out in Robin Hoods Bay. If you're really organised you may want to leave yourself a night cap in the fridge to have when you get back.