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Firle Yurts deep in The South Downs National Park offering smart Bell Tents and hand-crafted Yurts.
The Bell Tents provide wonderful accomodation, but there are also two spectacular hand-crafted Mongolian Yurts, which are available to rent, either as accomodation or, if there are a few in your party, as an exclusive and very fine day tent. They guarantee that no stay need be spoiled because of rain!
NEW OFFER; SUNDAY TO THURSDAY £13.50 per adult & £8.50 per child + £90 per Bell Tent per night!!- PERFECT FOR WALKING HOLIDAYS!
Stay in the Yurts via your South Downs National Trail Walk!
The yurts also make this an ideal venue if you are looking to hire the entire site. Because they are joined together, they provide a flexible space, which could be used for educational courses, corporate team building or a good old fashioned party, when chilled music can be played until the early hours.
Our 5 metre Bell Tents can sleep up to four people in absolute comfort. The tents can be set up for individual campers, or if you are part of a group of friends or family, they can be arranged so that you can all camp together. If your group rents four or more tents, then one yurt can be for your exclusive use.