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Located in the market town of Cirencester; on the cobbled streets, The Fleece is an inn that has all the character and colour. Full of history, low beams, open fires and home-cooked food to dine over there is plenty to enjoy.Rooms are cosy, stylish and filled with all the comforts of home with 17th-century character and 21st-century luxury. Enjoy tea and coffee making facilities, comfortable beds and plump pillows, en-suite bathrooms with shower and complimentary toiletries.
Indulge in delicious traditional meals all wholesome and hearty from the Steak and Thwaites ale pot pie to the Cumberland sausages with creamy mustard mash, red wine jus, crispy onion rings. The menu is filled with seasonal produce, which means the menus change with the seasons and dishes are all tasty and freshly prepared.
At the start or end of the Thames Path, The Fleece’s location in Cirencester makes it the perfect place to stop for a well-earned drink with real ales and fine wines, served in the bar. Take a seat next to our open doors right on the square and watch life wander by. Why not make a night of it and enjoy a great sleep over that will be well earnt.
The inn is family friendly and dog-friendly – so you can all enjoy a warm welcome. We have dog-friendly rooms, and your four-legged friend is always welcome in the bar, but not in the dining only areas. Expect a warm welcome at The Fleece, Cirencester.