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Situated in a glorious woodland meadow, deep in the heart of Cropton Forest, Forest Holidays' Cropton cabins make an ideal base for adventures, exploring or simply relaxing. The North York Moors are on your cabin doorstep and the coast, is only half an hour’s drive away. The forest itself is a paradise for nature lovers and thrill seekers alike.
Forest Holidays' Cropton cabins offer simple luxury in a picturesque location. The cabins - choose from one to three bedrooms, Copper Beech, Silver Birch or Golden Oak - are set in and around a delightful woodland meadow in the heart of Cropton forest.
Whether you want to relax in your private hot tub or hire a bike and explore the Moors; you are free to choose and do both if you wish here at Cropton. Try something different during your stay to make it even more memorable such as pony trekking and Forest Ranger activities.
You are spoilt for choice with the nearby attractions; visit the city of York and explore its quaint narrow streets steeped in history; have a family fun-filled day at Flamingo Land or a good old fashioned day trip to the seaside town of Scarborough.