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The custom route elevation is created when you use the distance calculator to draw a line.

Alison and Vladimir invite you to enjoy a relaxed and comfortable stay with us in the heart of Lewes.
Their home is just a few minutes walk from the antique shops, restaurants and cafes in the centre of town and the South Downs are just a 10 minute walk away behind the house so you have the best of both worlds!
The new spacious self catering studio around the corner is a lovely place for two guests.
- Comfortable beds with modern ensuite bathrooms.
- One self-contained double bedroom with separate downstairs entrance.
- Sitting room overlooking 1-3
- One twin /super Kingsize bedroom.
- TV & Radio,
- Free Wifi
- Close to restaurants, pubs & antique shops.
- Quick access to the South Downs
- 10 minute walk to Lewes railway and bus station. Regular trains/buses to Brighton and London.
- French & German spoken.