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Garrigill Village Hall bunkroom and campsite is a great place for an overnight stopover for walkers and cyclists, especially if you’re doing the Pennine Way or the C2C cycle route. Our website makes for easy online booking.
The spacious but cosy upstairs bunkroom offers free wifi and usb charging ports and provides a welcoming retreat after a tiring but fulfilling day’s activity on the Pennine fells. There are comfy bunk beds for up to eight people and you can hire bedding if you’re not bringing your own. The main hall is available for larger groups of up to 20 – a number of camp beds are available but no bedding is provided. The charge includes use of the well-equipped kitchen, showers and toilets.There’s a spin dryer, dehumidifier and hanging rails in the drying room for drying wet kit overnight. There’s also a covered cycle shelter with securing posts.
We also offer camping facilities for individuals and small groups on the field behind the Hall. We charge £8 per person per night. (£4 for children under 14 and DofE or similar youth groups). The campsite is open all year and offers basic facilities including 24/7 public toilets and an outdoor washing-up area. Showers (hot!) and a drying room within the Hall are available to campers by prior arrangement, cost £2 per person. Free wifi in the hall entrance lobby.