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The Glendale estate comprises the original period farmhouse and additional cottages on an eleven acre site incorporating a driveway lined with daffodils and rhododendrons, a small but dense wood leading to our paddock (which is ideal for giving your pony a holiday), a self-contained, fully private, heated, indoor, 10mx5m swimming pool. There is a small wooded picnic and play area with log cabin function room as well as another wooded area accommodating our free range hens.
We are located right on the southern edge of Northumberland National Park, just outside of Haltwhistle. Easily found on the B6318 (North Road) known locally as the Military Road as it was constructed around 1750 by General Wade during the Jacobite Rebellion. The Military Road closely follows the route of an earlier Roman road, the original course of which runs directly through the Glendale property.
Glendale is within walking distance of Hadrian's Wall World Heritage Site; and is situated centrally between Walltown Crags and Cawfields picnic area, two of the most picturesque views along the Wall. Just a little further along are the Roman remains and museums at Vindolanda and Housesteads as well as Steel Rigg, Sycamore Gap and the Visitor Centre at Once Brewed.
Glendale Mews (sleeping four) is a converted stable on the main courtyard, with ample space for car parking, horse box and dry cycle storage. Private and self contained, you will appreciate the ease with which you can access local Roman remains, walk Hadrian's Wall, visit the Lake District and Scotland or shopping in Gateshead's Metro Centre and Newcastle city centre.
Our location is private and peaceful, our greeting is warm and welcome and our service is friendly and flexible. We look forward to meeting you!