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Golden Square Caravan & Camping Park is set in a superb location in the south-east corner of the North Yorkshire Moors National Park. From the warm and sheltered site, there are panoramic views across farm, forest and moorlands towards the heart of the Moors.
The site is interesting laid out across three different levels, meaning even at peak times, there is still the spacious feel. Trees, hedges and bushes have carefully being planted around the site to offer screening for the pitches.
Golden Square is ideal and highly recommended for families due to the amount of activities for children on and off the site. With 2 outdoor play areas, 1 indoor play area, crazy golf and a football field, there is plenty to keep them entertained. As well as a stocked shop/reception selling everything from sweets and toys to homemade bread, cakes, along with alcohol, and daily essentials. Two luxury stone built toilet/shower blocks also contain a family/disabled bathroom.
Let’s not forget the family pet, with a dog walking field and numerous woods to venture off into; well behaved dogs are more than welcome.
On the touring park there are a number of pitches such as; ‘deluxe’ all service pitches, touring pitches and seasonal pitches. Storage compound is also available as well as Holiday Homes For Sale.