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- Situated in the Lower Village of Robin Hood's Bay
- Sleeps 4
- 1 King Room
- 1 Twin Room
- 1 Main Bathroom
- Apologies No Pets
- 1 Parking Permit for the Private Fisherhead Car Park
- Wi-Fi
Baytown Holiday Cottages offers a selection of self-catering accommodation in this once old fishing village of Robin Hood’s Bay. With its rich heritage this village once also known as Baytown has a deep history of smuggling in days gone by.
Nestled on the coast of the North York Moors National Park Robin Hood’s Bay sits a little over half way on The Cleveland Way’s coastal path. Robin Hood’s Bay and a Baytown Holiday Cottage makes for a welcome mid walk break or a very well-earned stay at the end of your walk.
With its pubs, cafes, bistros, quaint little shops, winding streets, stream of rock pools, fossils, Ghost Walks, colony of Seals at the far end of the Bay with oodles more to discover Robin Hood’s Bay can offer you more than just a pit stop.