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We offer you a warm welcome to Greenlands B&B, on the outskirts of Keld in Swaledale from where you can enjoy stunning views up and down the Dale. We are close to two wonderful walks The Coast to Coast Path:0.8 mile from Keld and The Pennine Way: 1.1 miles from Thwaite (bottom of Great Shunner Fell).
Grid Ref: 54.395348, -2.173482
w3w: ///ridiculed.sloping.flip
Please note: NO mobile signal in our area. We have two guest bedrooms both are en-suites, with hairdryers, tea and coffee making facilities with fresh milk, TV’s and free Wi-Fi. We are fully equipped for walkers. There is a small drying area for wet clothing and muddy boots and also a laundry service. We can provide evening meals with wines, beers and soft drinks and packed lunches.