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Having lived here since 1979 this AWARD WINNING B&B has been run by Dublin born, Rosemary Reeves for many years.
The Grey Cottage is built of local Cotswold stone ca.1838 and is located between the villages of Leonard Stanley & Kings Stanley. The property is situated in a quarter acre of flower garden which includes a fine 9ft. yew hedge, planted in 1840.
There is ample car parking in my sheltered driveway.
On the ground floor are comfortably furnished Sitting and Dining rooms with views over the garden. These have genuine log fires lit for when it gets chilly. Flat screen TV. Free WiFi.
On arrival, a welcoming pot of tea/coffee and biscuits/cake are served in the Conservatory overlooking the garden or, in the Sitting room.
Overlooking garden,fields or hills are 3 well appointed Bedrooms.
- Room 1 - Bedroom with SUPER KING or TWIN beds, separate bath and spacious walk-in shower, en suite.
- Room 2 - Single room with 4ft. bed, full en suite facilities - shower over bath.
- Room 3 - Double Bedded room with Private facilities.
All rooms provide flat screen TV, beverage making facilities, radio, hairdryer, books + a host of extras to ensure your stay is memorable.