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Grove Lodge comprises of three beautifully developed, highly specified Bed and Breakfast suites situated on the London Road in Bath. Elegant, comfortable and quirky, Grove Lodge suites are the perfect place to stay in Bath.
In your suite, as well as a spacious bedroom with a beautiful en-suite bathroom which complements the style of the room, you will enjoy your own private drawing room with all the comforts you could ask for from any luxurious 5-star hotel.
Grove Lodge, a Georgian villa built in 1788, perfectly combines the traditional with the latest in discreet technology.
Designer, Yvonne Lye of Livingspace, has created a unique environment using the finest materials, from Bohemian crystal chandeliers and silk drapes, whimsical wallpaper and velvet sofas, oriental rugs and antique furniture. And not forgetting the most flamboyant colour-palette.
Our 3 suites boast many period features, such as original fireplaces, moulded covings and large windows with breathtaking views over the Bath countryside.