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The 4 star, silver-rated Guesthouse East B&B in Eastbourne – awarded 1st place in the The Independent‘s Top 50 B&Bs!
Spacious self catering accommodation with the option of bed and breakfast, that is contemporary yet laid back, stylish yet comfortable – the ideal place to relax after a day in the sadlle or hiking along the South Downs Way.
Set in an elegant Grade II-listed Regency villa just 50m from the sea, this boutique guest house has six stylish holiday suites, each complete with bedroom, bathroom and kitchen, plus a seventh large family bedroom with ensuite bathroom.
We’re officially walker and cyclist-friendly, with a drying room and bike store. There is a bike shop literally around the corner if you need any repairs or kit.
Free WiFi is available throughout the building, plus fluffy towels and crisp linen is naturally provided, as well as little luxuries such as free toiletries, chocolates, sweets and other tasty stuff.