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“A lovely place to get away from it all”
Reopening its doors this year Gumber Bothy is a converted Sussex flint barn on a working sheep farm within the National Trust’s Slindon Estate. It provides simple overnight accommodation or camping for walkers, horse riders and cyclists, just off the South Downs Way, a tranquil and remote location to get away from it all.
Five minutes’ walk from Stane Street, the Roman Road that crosses the South Downs Way at Bignor Hill, facilities include sleeping platforms in 3 dorms, basic kitchen and bathroom facilities, BBQ, drying room, bike racks.
Please note linen and towels are not provided and so you will need to bring your own sleeping bags and towels if you are thinking of using the showers.
There is no vehicular access to the site whatsoever for visitors and so is only accessible on foot or cycle. Which makes Gumber Bothy the perfect tranquil place to escape to. The nearest you can park is approximately 1.5miles away, either at Bignor Hill car park (SU974129) or Northwood Junction (SU959098) where the tarmac road runs out.
2023 Pricing;
Bothy (Camping Barn) £20/adult/night – under 12’s £10/night
Camping £15/night/person – under 12’s £7.50/night
We look forward to welcoming you to Gumber Bothy!