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Hadrians Barn bed and breakfast is an Heddon on the Wall family run bed and breakfast. We are situated in the southern area of Northumberland, near to Newcastle upon Tyne.
All of Northumberland’s major tourist attractions are just a short car ride away and we are within walking distance to Hadrian’s Wall, Heddon on the Wall and George Stephensons birth place.
Hadrians Barn is well serviced by local buses and a short bus ride will take you to Newcastle upon Tyne where you will find many more attractions.
For guests who are travelling on business we offer FREE off street parking and FREE wireless internet access. Our rooms have been recently refurbished to high standard with rooms having en-suite bathrooms, TV and free wireless internet access.
Local golf course Close House is within walking distance from the bed and breakfast and we are only a 10 minute drive to Newcastle International Airport and the Tyne Bridge.
Lesley and Andrew look forward to welcoming you to Hadrians Barn Bed and Breakfast