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Tucked away in a quiet, oh-so-traditional cobbled side street, just off the main shopping street in central Bath, Harington's Hotel is a city-smart location for both business and pleasure.
Despite being a Grade II Listed building, we haven't had to hold back on any of the business-minded goodies you love. Our boutique bedrooms and serviced apartments all offer free high-speed WiFi, plenty of plug sockets for all your devices, off-site parking (£11 per day) and good-sized workspaces. Feeling peckish? The coffee lounge is open daily from 12noon - 9:00pm, the bar is open all day until 11pm and midnight Friday, Saturday, and room service is available - take a look at our menu of great-to-eat treats. Better still, why not wind down after a hectic day with a dip in the private hot tub?