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Large Luxury Rural Retreat in the village of Low Row, close to the Punch Bowl Inn.
We have 8 comfy bedrooms and 5 bathrooms, sitting room, dining room and snug all with open fires, a wet room near the east entrance with large boot room/cloak room/drying room leading off. The house is an original Yorkshire Dales 'Long House' but has been extended over the generations by the Birbeck family, who added the front reception rooms in 1860. The estate was sold in 1978 and we completely refurbished the house in 2014, adding a "Small Dragon" to provide a super efficent heating and hot water system. We've kept loads of the properties quirky features and added some luxury features such as powerful and waterfall showers, and the essential roll top baths to relax soak away the aches and pains of the day.
The kitchen is fully equiped and has an Aga cooker, dishwasher, microvawe etc. We are 5 minutes walk away from an excellent 'Eating Pub' and can provide breakfast baskets if required. Let us know if you require transport to the start/finish of your days walk, as we have some excellent transport links