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Higher Tresmorn offers quiet and relaxing bed & breakfast accommodation in a stunning Medieval farmhouse close to Crackington Haven. A delightfully pretty double room with king-size bed and a second room next door which is available for families use if required. A private bathroom with a bath and a shower in the bath.
Higher Tresmorn has a quiet sitting room for guests use with a wood burner for colder evenings and a range of books to relax with as well as a large flat screen television and dvd player. A delicious breakfast is prepared with local produce, fresh eggs from the chickens that are roaming outside the window and served in the conservatory with spectacular views across the north Cornish coastline.Higher Tresmorn is only minutes away from the coastal path making it the ideal stop for those walking between Bude and Boscastle you will recieve a warm welcome and be able to truly relax and be assured you will be well fed for the evening as well if required!