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The custom route elevation is created when you use the distance calculator to draw a line.

Welcome to Hilden Lodge, our luxury Bed and Breakfast near Cheltenham. Hilden Lodge is the perfect destination for long weekends or short breaks in Cheltenham and the Cotswolds. Not only is our guesthouse just a few minutes’ drive from Cheltenham Town Centre and the Racecourse, but also we have the outstanding Cotswold countryside and idyllic villages on our doorstep making us the ideal Cotswold B&B.
Our beautifully decorated ensuite rooms start from £60 per night and include a fabulous award winning breakfast. We can cater for all your needs whether you are a lone traveller on business or a couple on a romantic weekend getaway. We welcome families and larger groups too.
We have free fast Wifi onsite and all our guests have access to free off street parking, in our new improved car park.