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A 'Victorian Gentlemen's Residence' fully refurbished in 2015, offering both B&B and self catering accommodation. Two double/twin en-suite B&B rooms. Which may be booked as singles. Dogs welcome. Three acres of grounds with woodland, pond and wild flower meadows. Views of the Lake District & Northern Pennines. Plenty of Off road parking.
Blending homely Victorian elegance with modern facilities we provide the perfect base to explore.
For walkers and cyclists we offer a Boot room & secure cycle storage.
Appleby is a favourite location for a rest day between the two long trecks over the Pennine hills. We will always collect you from Dufton and return you refreshted to continue again. Likewise anyone who just can not face the extra mile into Appleby for a meal will always be welcome to a lift.
Let us introduce you to our locally sourced Westmorland breakfast; and don't forget to order a packed lunch.