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Holmhead Guest House sits in a beautifully quiet location in a sheltered valley next to the Tipalt Burn and beneath the ruins of Thirlwall Castle. Built in 1800 with Wall stone, the house is bordered by open fields and has stunning views south towards the North Pennines, whilst to the north lies the Northumberland National Park and Thirlwall Castle. Holmhead is built over the foundations of Hadrian’s Wall and is directly on the Pennine Way and Hadrian’s Wall National Trails.
All rooms have great views and have ensuite shower and wc and have tea and coffee-making facilities. Our breakfasts are delicious and generous and use local produce wherever possible, including free-range eggs, Cumberland sausage and bacon. Special diets are not a problem and we can provide packed lunches. There is a large guest lounge with Freesat TV and DVD, bookshelves and games and complimentary wi-fi
Holmhead Bunk Barn is directly on The Hadrian's Wall Path and Pennine Way. Ideal budget accommodation for trail walkers, the barn has bed spaces for up to 12 people. Facilities include fitted kitchen with hob, microwave, fridge and toaster, shower and wc. There is a private Guest garden and camping pitches at the rear of the barns, with direct access on to The Hadrians Wall and Pennine Way Trails