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Honeysuckle Cottage is a cosy and deliciously comfortable stone cottage in the tiny village of Moorsholm - an ideal spot to visit the beautiful coastal villages and the freedom and amazing space of the North York Moors, home of the Cleveland Way - a wealth of cobbled streets and curio shops awaits all visitors in the countless hamlets and villages scattered throughout the area - there is a seemingly endless supply of interesting things to do and places to go. The cottage sleeps four in twin and king size bedrooms - sit by the crackling fire in the huge ancient fireplace and plan your days of exploring using the wealth of maps and guidebooks provided. Why not start your day with a refreshing cup of coffee sitting in the pretty cottage garden and after a hugely rewarding day enjoy a glass of chilled wine on the sun drenched decking at the rear of the cottage.
Moorsholm is a wonderfully unspoilt and beautifully kept village - a team of residents constantly strive to keep the village special, so special in fact that Moorsholm attained 4 Gold Awards (8 in total) in the Northumbria in Bloom Competition of 2013 - let Moorsholm work its magic on you, it usually captivates all who visit, you will leave thoroughly relaxed, refreshed and ready to face the 'real world' once again!