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Each room in the hotel has been refurbished to a higher than average standard, offering en-suite facilities and extremely comfortable beds. With options of double/twin, double apartments, triple and family apartment suites, there are possibilities for every party size. Each of the apartments includes a fully equipped fitted kitchen. We can offer single occupancy rates in our spacious double rooms.
Our renowned breakfast is served in our adjacent Italian restaurant and at night Pazzo is the perfect choice for your evening meal.
The hotel has on-site conference facilities and can cater for up to 16 delegates, with use of an LCD screen and projector included in your package.
In the comfortable lounge area there are 2 large flat screen televisions and free Wi-Fi is available for the duration of your stay.
If you are a contractor looking for a long-term let or a family looking for a fantastic getaway, Hotel 52 is the perfect choice.