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Houghton North Farm, partly built with stones from Hadrian's Wall, has been in the Laws Family for five generations. It is situated in the beautiful Northumberland countryside right on the Heritage Trail and 15 miles from the start of the Hadrian's Wall Trail. Within the region, walkers can enjoy marked woodland trails, rugged moorland & hills, and some of the most beautiful deserted beaches in the UK. This newly built, spacious accommodation can take a group of up to 23 and is also ideal for individuals and families. A 4 Star Hostel with Visit Britain, the bunk-style rooms (some en suite) are located around the central courtyard and include the use of a self-catering kitchen where a continental breakfast is served. A well-appointed TV lounge has a log fire and WiFi access, secure cycle storage, and parking. Long-term parking, baggage transfer, and packed lunches are available on request. Within 10 minutes walk are pubs, a restaurant, and shops in Heddon-on-the-Wall.