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A warm Northumbrian welcome awaits you at the Joiners Shop Bunkhouse. Nestled in the peaceful wooded hamlet of Preston between the villages of Ellingham and Chathill, it is just 5 miles from the stunning Northumberland AONB coastline and 7 miles from the historic market town of Alnwick.
The charming 19th century building offers groups of up to 18 the haven they need to refuel, relax, entertain or just chill out. Inside, you'll find there's room for plenty - sleeping 18 with one double bed and 16 pine bunk beds, arranged in sections of threes and fives. This bunkhouse also offers hot showers, a fully equipped kitchen and spacious dining area, a living area with comfy couches, TV and multi-fuel stove, and a fully fenced garden with firepit and oil drum BBQ.