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Land’s End Hostel is a converted Mill Barn in the quiet hamlet of Trevescan, just 10 minutes walk from the Land’s End Landmark and the SWCP. The start of Cycle Route 3 is just 1 minute by bicycle and the start/finish line for End to Enders(LEJOG/JOGLE).
The property can sleep up to 14 people over 4 rooms with private and dormitory rooms available, all with flat screen TV’s. Bunk beds, brand new last year, have built in LED reading lights, USB charging points, underbed storage crates and privacy curtains in the mixed shared dormitory.Bedding, towels and shower gel are provided.There is a small communal kitchen, inside and outside dinning area and summerhouse with comfy sofa. Wifi is available throughout. Small on-site shop. Continental breakfast can be provided for £6.00 per person. Please order when booking or before arrival.