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The place to stop in Upper Teesdale to recharge your batteries and truly relax. With three open fires you can feel the chill leaving your bones as you watch your boots dry! Close to the Pennine Way (less than 1km). With superb views our rooms are warm and comfortable with a great range of teas and coffees. Our friendly staff are knowledgeable about the area and will help make your stay as enjoyable as possible. Our menu includes good hearty homemade staples like Steak Pie; Cottage Pie; and various Soups as well as Spicy Beef Curry and Chicken & Chorizo Stew for a spicier palate. There are a number of vegetarian options always available and special dietary requirements can be catered for, however due to our isolated location advance notice would be appreciated. Our cellar is Cask Marque accredited and has been recommended in the Good Beer Guide every year since 2007. Regular ales include Jarrow Brewery's Rivet Catcher and Ringwood Brewery's Best Bitter with occasional guest ales. Please note no mobile phone, or TV signal, but usually strong Wi-Fi.