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Layside is a boutique new B&B offering guests a unique and unrivalled view of Hadrian's Wall and the surrounding countryside. Gloriously positioned in the Heart of Hadrian's Wall country, Layside offers some of the best views of the Tyne Valley to the south and of Hadrian's Wall and Sycamore Gap to the north, which famously featured in the Kevin costner movie "Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves", and was voted "Tree of the Year" in 2016. Layside has been developed to offer a high quality accommodation in new build, stand-alone rooms that have their own access and their own terraces. High quality beds and linens ensure that guests can relax in comfort enjoying a little luxury whilst experiencing the rugged Northumberland landscape. Located close to the Sill and Vindolanda Roman Fort, there are attractions close to the doorstep, as well as being ideally place to walk the most favoured and interesting portion of Hadrian's Wall from Steel Rigg to Housesteads.
For breakfast, a Layside breakfast hamper will be delivered to your door featuring a warmed English muffin with pinwheel cumberland sausage and free-range egg, or a breakfast cassoulet, or home baked pastries served with Kevin's homemade nutella. Hot evening meals are available if requested, based on a "stew for two" using local and seasonal produce wherever possible and slow cooked in the Aga.
Dogs are welcome at Layside, and will be provided with dog bed, towels, food and water bowls.